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2014-10-12 16:56:36
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Welcome to the Academy!

By [Elegy - gone], for the ET Academy Drawing Contest

The Elftown Academy is a place where ordinary Elftowners volunteered to teach and instruct other Elftowners on certain subjects that can be found in regular schools. Although classes have ended, the classrooms and their materials are still here! Enjoy browsing through lessons made by other Elftowners about Biology, History, Math, and many other subjects.



Click here for the full list of classes: ETA Classes


Managed by the Professors of Tutorials and Lessons.

Joining us

New classes will not be added here, but rather at Tutorials and Lessons.
View the requirements at Tutorials and Lessons Submissions.


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To discuss comments, corrections, suggestions, or questions.


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2004-04-16 [will turner neko]: hi

2004-04-17 [Lewis of Llynn]: heard you the first time, will.

2004-04-17 [will turner neko]: ok....waz^?

2004-04-22 [Cradle of Darkness]: how do i join

2004-04-22 [Lewis of Llynn]: just go to the class you want to join and sign up.

2004-04-22 [will turner neko]: ok

2004-04-27 [Lewis of Llynn]: are you allowed to teach more than one class here?

2004-04-27 [will turner neko]: ............

2004-05-02 [Rothgar]: One thing I'm missing here is my major subject geology, any chance of that being added here sometime....

2004-05-03 [will turner neko]: ?

2004-05-06 [Wild~Fire]: any chance someone might be interested in adding a Herbology class.. or natural medicine .. something like that? or is it a dead end idea that no one's interested in

2004-05-06 [Wild~Fire]: I'm just asking.. so there.

2004-05-07 [will turner neko]: ??

2004-05-08 [RavenTalon]: Can I teach about insects and reptiles?I love them and have an informational wiki!

2004-05-08 [Amythest Cat]: I'd love to take part in a herbology/natural medicine class.  I don't know enough to teach one yet though...:(

2004-05-08 [RavenTalon]: I think I've been hired by the biology professer...I'm teaching about arachnids right now!!

2004-05-10 [will turner neko]: ??

2004-05-10 [Sheona]: To [will turner neko] - please stop spamming the comments section!

2004-05-10 [will turner neko]: spamming?

2004-05-10 [Cathos]: I'd like to take part in a herbology class too, I learnt a lot about it a while ago, but I've forgotten most of it.

2004-05-10 [Lewis of Llynn]: yes,will, spamming. i.e. responding to people's questions with a ?, which is really not helpful to anyone.

2004-05-11 [Kaimee]: he does it on like... every official page hes found. just delete the comments if they get to much.

2004-05-11 [Sheona]: The spamming should actually be reported. And seeing as I'm a patroller, I'll be keeping an eye on it for now.

2004-05-12 [will turner neko]: ok ok i get it

2004-05-12 [Everin]: In response to [Wild~Fire], an herbology class would be great. I think it'd be fun to learn what herbs are good for what, and I bet a lot of writers and role players would like to use information for stories and plot lines. ^_^

2004-05-12 [Wild~Fire]: yay! *dances around*

2004-05-13 [loser_101]: i wiil be the best war profesor ther is

2004-05-13 [Kaimee]: all i know about herbology is comfrey is good for bones:P and lavender is good for headaches and insomnia and.. um? other stuff. so id like to learn that!

2004-05-13 [Cathos]: I know how to make potions, tinctures and creams and stuff and I know all about the herbs I use on myself, but I'd still like to learn more.

2004-05-17 [Kaimee]: ooh and i know calendula o .o; hahaha my friend gave me some when i was ike 7 for mosquito bites and now i use it on everything. XD

2004-05-18 [Dil*]: there should be a psychology proffessor too, to help people out when their having problems.

2004-05-18 [Wild~Fire]: ooo... especially with like dream interpretation!! I'd love that!

2004-05-19 [windowframe]: [ara]'s pretty good at the psychobabble stuff, she might *will* do it :P

2004-05-19 [Dil*]: yeah, and alot of people have problems.

2004-05-19 [Vëaneron]: do you need a Geology professor???

2004-05-19 [Cathos]: Do we get to learn about different types of peds and stuff? (I did a course on that kinda thing last year)

2004-05-19 [Vëaneron]: You'll get to learn whatever you want to know about geology. If I know it I'll teach it.

2004-05-19 [Cathos]: If you get stuck, message me and I might be able to help. I seem to do a really wierd selection of courses as part of my Uni degree. Molecular Biology to Soil Science to Fungal and Insect Pests.

2004-05-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: can´t anybody anser me when I had asked a question????Or what???

2004-05-29 [May-lea]: I did! Check the right page!!

2004-05-30 [will turner neko]: 'ello i'm back!

2004-05-30 [Vampire Mariam]: um....hi

2004-06-02 [aaaaa aaaaa]: doesn't a school needs a school-schrink? ;)


2004-06-03 [Riggs]: I got something that I could teach that sort of fits's called cryptozoology, the study of hidden animals (Loch ness monster, Biog foot, la chupacabra ect...) any way i know a pretty good deal about it so uh...yeah

2004-06-03 [Goldenberry]: Yes that may be so but eh..Nessy doesn't exist, wich is proofed, and the rest are feary tales! I don't know do what you like but to me it sounds like nonsense

2004-06-03 [Same old same old!]: i am a professor... but im just trying to decide what to have my lesson about lol. (its in music ^_^)

2004-06-04 [Riggs]: although it might be myths, i am quite knowledgeable on the field and would like to teach people of it. Besides, art classes aren't really neede in school but they are taken anyway because they are of interest and i think that alot of people on this site would have an interest on cryptozoology

2004-06-04 [Sheona]: I think this kind of mythology would actually be quite an important class here. Alot of fantasy is based on mythology. ^_^

2004-06-04 [Riggs]: true uh..who should i talk to about becoming a professor or whatever?

2004-06-04 [Sheona]: You talk to the headmaster, [willy].

2004-06-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: hello how do join i want to join

2004-06-04 [Sheona]: What is it you want to join? Which class? Usually you just edit the wiki page and put ur name under the list of pupils.

2004-06-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol thanks

2004-06-04 [Goldenberry]: Okay [Riggs] I agree with [Sheona] on that one, it is treu but could you tell me as I would be a student a little of what you want to teach please, just because I'm interested!

2004-06-07 [Riggs]: the basic mythology...for example the loch ness monster (Nessie by ledgend) was actually first reported in 582 B.C. by a prophet who was happening to be spreading the word. According to the ledgend he was walking along the beach when a large reptilian creature samw out of the water and knocked him down. The propheet took out his Cross and Said "Begone Vreature inthe name of God!!" and then Nessie went back into the water.

2004-06-07 [Riggs]: but besides that i would give a basic history, resent reports, other names, links to pictures, uh stuff like that

2004-06-07 [Sheona]: There are actually variations on that story. The prophet was in fact St Columba, who is one of the most important saints in this part of the world (he was said to have set up the monastery on Iona, although he was actually an exiled convict from Ireland!). And the normal version of the story, as told by the Venerable Bede, is that he was crossing the loch in a boat when he saw the Loch Ness Monster. I am, of course, from Scotland myself and spent last summer living in a boat and sailing Loch Ness ^_^

2004-06-08 [Riggs]: ...hmmm...i always read that he was walking along a path but then again it was a long time ago so there will be variations

2004-06-08 [Sheona]: A studied the Life of Columba, written by Bede, and his version mentions a crossing of the loch. Of course, there are always different versions of such stories. The basic idea is still the same ^_^

2004-06-08 [Goldenberry]: Well maybe it could be something very nice to discuss on the form or something like that. What do you think [Sheona]?

2004-06-08 [Sheona]: I think it sounds good ^_^ I think it would make a great class.

2004-06-09 [Goldenberry]: I just don't know what [willy] is gonna think of it but just ask him you've got our support right [Sheona]!? Just try. 

2004-06-10 [Riggs]: i already did

2004-06-10 [Goldenberry]: Ow and what did he said? Or hasn't he answerd yet?

2004-06-10 [Dil*]: <img:> Like shinies? join the jewel guild!!

2004-06-11 [Sheona]: [willy] is really nice, so don't worry about asking. ^_^

2004-06-11 [Riggs]: he asked me what i wanted to classify the lessons under.

2004-06-11 [Sheona]: Notices the shiny things....ooh! shiny!

2004-06-11 [Riggs]: *see's shiny things gets confused, sits inn corner and starts talking to self*

2004-06-11 [Sheona]: Wouldn't the lessons come under Mythology? And I like shiny things. They're pretty. I also suffer from "magie-syndrome" LOL!

2004-06-12 [Riggs]: well i wanted it to be classified under cryptozoology

2004-06-13 [Goldenberry]: *See's the horrible thing and runs away from it* [Riggs] have you heard something from [willy] yet?

2004-06-14 [Riggs]: yeah but i'm not sure if he's gonna let me become a professor

2004-06-16 [Riggs]: ok he says that i wasn't supposed to ask him in the first place and to ask the professors here if i can become uh...can i?

2004-06-16 [aaaaa aaaaa]: :)

2004-06-16 [Goldenberry]: Well I'm not a prof but am a teacher, but can I understand out of this that he rejected your class? That would be to bad because it is a nice subject. I don't know who you're suppose to ask if you would like to teach in cryptozoology, maybe you should try Mythologie...I wouldn't know anything else...sorry -_^

2004-06-17 [Riggs]: it would probably classify under mythology but thats not what it is. It's not just myths. Myths are told as tales. Cryptozoology is scientificly studied

2004-06-17 [font]: I would say that it would be a part of ‘Biology’. As in most cases, the existence of these creatures is non evident, but if they did then they would be studied as living creatures. Hence biological life forms.

2004-06-17 [Sheona]: No, he didn't reject it. If you want to be a professor, you ask him. If you want to be a teacher, you ask the prof in charge of the relevant category.

2004-06-18 [Goldenberry]: how do you know if he did or didn't rejected him [Sheona]?!

2004-06-19 [Sheona]: Because [Riggs] said he was told to ask the relevant Prof. :)

2004-06-20 [Goldenberry]: Yes that would meen that [Riggs] has to ask to a Prof. to get a teacher, wich meens he can't teach his own class of Cryptozoology

2004-06-21 [Riggs]: Willy told me to read the heading more clearly and to ask people here to be a professor

2004-06-21 [Doormat]: can I become a proffesser of chemistry?

2004-06-23 [Riggs]: should i just ask [Aristotle] to be a teacher?

2004-06-24 [Sheona]: Yeah, [Aristotle] would be the right person to ask.

2004-06-24 [Riggs]: right-o

2004-06-28 [Mischa]: miss a subject on animal and ethology - study of animal behavior

2004-06-28 [Goldenberry]: [Riggs], have you bacome a professor yet? I hope you did but if not what are you going to do then?!

2004-06-28 [LonelyTylenol]: [Close Tightly]'s been gone for 110 days, so Tari's taking over math, unless/until [Close Tightly] comes back...

2004-06-29 [LonelyTylenol]: I think the Math page should be relocated to [Math@wiki]. Right now it's... [ Math@wiki].

2004-06-29 [LonelyTylenol]: Actually, I just copied everything over to the math page without the space and If you don't mind, I'm going to change the link on this page too...

2004-06-29 [LonelyTylenol]: A lot of them appear to be the same way, but not all of them, I see... Well, I don't suppose all of the pages will be relocated, but I thought I'd point it out.

2004-06-29 [Riggs]: i haven't become a professor because i don't know who to ask to become a professor...bnut i have asked Aristotle if i could be a teacher

2004-06-30 [Goldenberry]: huh I don't get it you've asked [willy] right? That's the one you have to ask to be a teacher or not... well then I wish you good luck with [Aristotle]

2004-06-30 [Riggs]: lol thanks...i read the rules o who to ask and it turns out that i do need to ask willy so i'll be doing that

2004-06-30 [travs the bean]: In running through several of the classes i noticed several were substance...what can we do to make the classes better? or organize the sections a little better to make them more inviting for people to learn or join?

2004-06-30 [Riggs]: have a questions coloum?

2004-06-30 [Sheona]: Perhaps there should be a teacher training class! Specialist knowledge in a subject doesn't imply a knowledge of teaching. Perhaps there should be help on how to organise classes, etc.

2004-07-01 [Goldenberry]: that would be a great idea I don't really know sometimes what to do in my class

2004-07-01 [Sheona]: I'm lucky in that way, because I've had experience teaching in a real classroom situation in several different subjects. I also find it helpful to browse round other people's classes here and see how they do things ^_^

2004-07-01 [Goldenberry]: that could be handy but while I'm still in real life a student and not the teacher it's sometimes hard to understand what you've got to do!

2004-07-01 [Riggs]: mmmyep..i second that

2004-07-01 [Goldenberry]: sorry what does that meen?

2004-07-02 [Riggs]: it means that i agree

2004-07-02 [Goldenberry]: ow.. *ashamed* hehe thanks

2004-07-02 [travs the bean]: i would agree also - i too have teaching exp- but there are a lot out there that could use some ideas and encouragement on what works and what does not

2004-07-02 [travs the bean]: it what also be good to see what classes are working well and ask those teachers why they work

2004-07-05 [Goldenberry]: good point as I said I'd like some help or so

2004-07-05 [font]: There is a position for an Education teacher in social sciences

2004-07-06 [Goldenberry]: what does that meens I meen by that position can you learn there what to do as a teacher?

2004-07-06 [font]: No, it means that there is a position for a teacher to teach educational methods (opened only to those who know what needs taught and how to do so)

2004-07-06 [Goldenberry]: ow oke

2004-07-06 [Anonymous]: Some teachers seem to have no badge yet. This is because they have become teachers after the last round of badgegiving. You were adviced to keep a separate subwiki to be actualised by wikimaster each time a new teacher or proffessor is added, so they can be checked easily. Please do so, and things will be easier for all.

2004-07-07 [Riggs]: i didn't know that teachers even got badges

2004-07-07 [Goldenberry]: neither did I tell us [Anonymous] were can we find that wiki?

2004-07-07 [Sheona]: I think that wiki doesn't, as yet, exist. Someone will just have to make it!

2004-07-07 [font]: Is there an Elftown Academy Forum yet? or one for ETA staff?

2004-07-07 [Sheona]: Just a note to fellow teachers, there is now a Teacher Training course! Be sure to check it out if you want to improve those teaching skills!

2004-07-07 [Riggs]: cool

2004-07-08 [Goldenberry]: finally! join join join!

2004-07-08 [Sheona]: Lol. I just hope you find it helpful!

2004-07-08 [Goldenberry]: so do I

2004-07-09 [font]: Checking in

2004-07-12 [Sheona]: Checking in? Oh...I get it now! Lol.

2004-07-12 [font]: lol yeah... looks lke the other professors have yet to do so.

2004-07-17 [Maurer's conclusions]: I am a new teacher in the Music Department ( I teach bass guitar at the Bass guitar for beginners. Where do I get my badge?

2004-07-17 [Sheona]: Just be patient! You shouldn't be teaching to get a badge); it's about sharing your knowledge with others. The officials have lots of other things to do, so it might take a few days to get around to sorting out your badge.

2004-07-17 [Maurer's conclusions]: Sorry, I didn't mean to sound impatient, I was just making sure I wouldn't get in trouble for being a "fake teacher" or something. No problemo then

2004-07-17 [Maurer's conclusions]: No one is in my class anyways:(

2004-07-17 [Sheona]: Lol., don't worry! I didn't mean to sounds quite so serious! As long as [KMR #1] knows about you, then there's no way anyone can accuse you of being a fake teacher! You badge will be added soon, so there's no need to worry ^_^

2004-07-17 [Maurer's conclusions]: No sweat, take your time. I can imagine how much of a hassle it is to run something as big as this...

2004-07-17 [Sheona]: Well, [willy] runs the academy, and council members deal with badges ^_^

2004-07-17 [Maurer's conclusions]: Okay whatever then=P

2004-07-17 [Sheona]: Otherwise you might get your badge sooner. But the badge people have other things to do. Busy people ;)

2004-07-18 [Maurer's conclusions]: Indeed

2004-07-19 [Riggs]: does aristotle ever come on?

2004-07-19 [Maurer's conclusions]: Yes, he messaged me the other day...

2004-07-19 [Riggs]: oh ok i sent him a message a while back and he never answered me..i'll have to send it again i suppose

2004-07-19 [Sagacious Turkey]: me wants to be a teacher...

2004-07-19 [Riggs]: yeah me too

2004-07-19 [font]: If you want to be a teacher, check out the various departments to see if you could teach a class for that section, if you feel you can, contact the relevent professor.

2004-07-20 [font]: I think there should be a private wiki, or forum for the staff of the academy to discuss future ventures. Kind of like a board of goveners

2004-07-20 [random23423]: im philosphy class

2004-07-21 [Carol Lynn]: I think the history professor is gone lol....

2004-07-22 [Elloquay]: Well, MUSHROOM, you can go to the Suggestion Box and suggest that philosophy be taught. 

2004-07-22 [metallickittycat]: how do you learn things if you dont tell us how to make the chain mail in handscraft?

2004-07-23 [Dulce Vita]: Hmm, something happened to my badge.

2004-07-23 [Dulce Vita]: And is Lady Karami really gone, check her house [KMR #1]

2004-07-24 [Threnody]: Hi everyone :-) I;m a new professor :-) Just thought I'd let you all know :P

2004-07-25 [Decoy]: So what do I do if I'm interested in a history job but the history proffessor seems to have been missing for a while?

2004-07-25 [font]: Send them a message and see if they reply, if not contact [willy]

2004-07-25 [Riggs]: YES!!! i am finally a teacher

2004-07-25 [Elloquay]: I'm hoping to be a teacher of Divination. :)

2004-07-26 [Carol Lynn]: hmmm I was going to say that i'd love to be the history prof...

2004-07-26 [joe64]: whats this place for? and i think i could make a good chemistry professor!and biology!!

2004-07-27 [.soldier]: Wow...this place is huge...-crams a salmon sandwich in his mouth-

2004-07-27 [joe64]: yay i might be gonna be a biology professor!!

2004-07-28 [Firenze]: Hi I am the new Chemistry Professor:) Just thought I should let everyone know

2004-07-30 [Threnody]: I am all for a professor/teacher seperate wiki to discuss new plans and ideas for the Academy

2004-07-30 [joe64]: and i'm.......i dunno?

2004-07-31 [joe64]: argh!!!! i want to be the biology prof argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-07-31 [Threnody]: Can't you specify in a certain area of biology then?

2004-07-31 [joe64]: .....

2004-07-31 [Threnody]: then you can at least become a teacher ;-)

2004-07-31 [joe64]: (: but i'm not v good at n e thing to teach ppl!!!!! cept maybe how to play a vid game good you wouldnt beleive the ammount of ppl who dont play 'em right!!

2004-07-31 [Threnody]: well why don't you become a video games teacher then, I'm sure we could squeeze it in at Computer Sciences

2004-08-01 [joe64]: ! yay can i do that? ppl realy need my help, see ,but they think they're good then i come along and tyhrash them at smash bros and then i help em to get better at it and srry what?

2004-08-01 [font]: Perhaps you should ask [Isilando], after all it is his department; not wise organising departments for other people.

2004-08-01 [joe64]: ? ok

2004-08-01 [Threnody]: No that's true but it was only a suggestion. Of course you will have to contact the person responsible for that departement

2004-08-01 [Threnody]: By the way: We have a teachers lounge made by Firenze: Teachers of the Elftown Academy

2004-08-01 [joe64]: ??!?!?!?!?! i'm confused?

2004-08-01 [Threnody]: You have to message [Isilando] and ask him to give you the job as a video games teacher. Then he'll tell you what to do from there on

2004-08-01 [joe64]: ! i did!

2004-08-01 [Threnody]: Now just wait and see ;-)

2004-08-03 [Firenze]: joe64 is a pain in the bottom at the moment, I see.

2004-08-03 [joe64]: yes sorry i did ask him and he sed it wasnt the right kinda thing to be havin' on his computer thing, and he also said you have to beable to wright in proper english..........i can do that!!!!!

2004-08-03 [Firenze]: lol, joe

2004-08-03 [font]: communication is a key thing on elftown because we have a lot of people speaking different languages. So having a sound english translation helps them out a lot. 

2004-08-03 [Firenze]: ok ^_^

2004-08-03 [joe64]: i DO speak in english and properly!!!!!! i think i'll start my own wiki

2004-08-04 [Firenze]: you already have joe

2004-08-04 [joe64]: no one of rnovice gamers who need help

2004-08-04 [Firenze]: oh

2004-08-04 [Threnody]: Just one piece of advice then Joe: write in proper english then ;-) I sometimes actually had a hard time figuring out what you meant ;-) But the tip's already been given so...:-) Good luck with your wiki ;-)

2004-08-04 [Firenze]: Good one I think he will appreciate it

2004-08-04 [Threnody]: I hope he will how else is he going to explain how a video game works?

2004-08-04 [Firenze]: yeah, he can be a bit of a muppet at times!!:)

2004-08-04 [joe64]: i will start by explaining the proper starting point and is this any good? its all proper like he he

2004-08-04 [Threnody]: Yeah now we can all read what you're telling us ;-) That's a great start ;-)

2004-08-04 [Firenze]: Yeah that is much better

2004-08-04 [joe64]: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha but can you read leet? huh? c@n u ^^4tey ha ha ha

2004-08-04 [font]: Its just taking that little extra bit of time, to make sure you have spelt everything correctly; and used appropriate grammer. It helps a treat, and is much better to read :)

2004-08-04 [font]: your leet speak isn't even real l33t sp34k, so don't try

2004-08-04 [Threnody]: god I just hate that l33t. It's difficult to read, it looks dumb, it sounds dumb in my mind and it's highly insulting to the wonderful world of grammer ;-)

2004-08-04 [font]: [Threnody] I couldn't have said it better myself

2004-08-04 [joe64]: not defy my 133t!!!!!!!!!!!! and i also hate leet

2004-08-04 [Firenze]: I agree

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